How To Choose The Right Social Media Platform To Promote Your Small Business In Kenya

How To Choose The Right Social Media Platform To Promote Your Small Business In Kenya

Are you a small business owner wondering how to choose the right social media platform to promote your small business in Kenya? 

You came to the right place. We have compiled a short yet comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect social media platform to promote your small business in Kenya. 

How To Choose The Right Social Media Platform To Promote Your Small Business in Kenya – 6 Simple Steps

Picking the right platform to promote your small business can feel like trying to find the perfect avocado—sometimes, it just feels impossible. 

But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. 

Today, we’ll explore how to select the best social media platform for your business step-by-step, with a focus on sustainable businesses. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Understand Your Business and Audience

Before diving into the social media deep-end, as a small business owner, you should know who your audience is. And what your company’s core beliefs are. 

Are you an eco-friendly product-focused sustainable business? Wonderful! 

Quality, sustainability, and environmental responsibility are probably important to your audience.

Example: Let’s say you run a zero-waste store.

Your typical customer might be environmentally conscious, aged 25-45, and passionate about reducing their carbon footprint.

Knowing this helps you narrow down the platforms where these eco-warriors hang out.

Step 2: Know the Major Players

Each social media platform has its own unique vibe and audience. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Facebook: Great for building a community, sharing detailed posts, and engaging with a broad audience. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of social media.
  • Instagram: Ideal for visually appealing content. Perfect for showcasing your sustainable products and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Think of it as the art gallery of social media.
  • Twitter: Best for real-time updates, quick customer service, and engaging in trending conversations. It’s like the town square where everyone’s shouting (in 280 characters or less).
  • LinkedIn: The professional networking giant. Perfect for B2B connections, sharing industry insights, and establishing thought leadership. It’s like the conference room of social media.
  • Pinterest: A visual search engine where users discover ideas. Great for DIY, how-to guides, and lifestyle content. It’s the digital scrapbook everyone loves to browse.
  • TikTok: The new kid on the block. Perfect for short, engaging videos. If your audience is young and loves creative content, this is your playground.

Step 3: Match Your Content to the Platform

Different content types perform better on different platforms. For example, Reels outperform static posts on Instagram.

Short TikToks outperform longer TikToks. 

Infographics outperform carousels on LinkedIn and Facebook. 

This information might seem basic, but it is the make or break for a content strategy. It is the difference between an okay content strategy and a great one. 

Speaking of content strategies, we have written a comprehensive guide on how to create the best and most effective content strategy for your small business, and you can access if by clicking on the highlighted text. 

Step 4: Consider Your Resources

It can be quite difficult to manage several social media accounts, particularly for small business owners.

When choosing which platforms to concentrate on, take into account your available resources—time, money, and labor.

Example: If you’re a one-person show, it might be more practical to start with one or two platforms. Instagram and Facebook are often a good combination for small businesses due to their wide reach and versatility.

Step 5: Post Where Your Audience Engages

An easy way to get figure out where you should post is to figure out where your audience spends their time online. 

Not sure how to do this? Here are a few ideas. 

Use analytics and insights to find out where your current customers are most active. This can guide you to the right platform.

Also consider asking people in the age range you’re targeting which platforms they spend the most time on. 

Step 6: Test and Adapt

The whole thing about using social media as a promotion tool is that you must remain agile as a business. 

That’s because what is effective today could not be effective tomorrow, because social media is always changing. 

Therefore, you must be ready to try out various tactics and platforms, then adjust in light of your findings.


Choosing the right social media channel to promote your small business doesn’t need you to be everywhere at once. 

Being where your audience is, offering the material they enjoy, and having meaningful interactions with them are all important. 

This entails demonstrating your dedication to the environment, sharing your story, and establishing connections with people who share your values as a sustainable business.

Need help with your social media marketing? We are here for you! 

We specialize in helping small businesses like yours grow through tailored social media strategies. 

Let us help you find the perfect platforms and create content that resonates with your audience. Simply click the banner below to schedule a FREE consultation. 

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Still have questions about how to choose the right social media platform to promote your small business in Kenya? 

Feel free to ask them in the comment section below :).

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